Three Mile Island Camp: COVID-19 and the 2021 Season

We are excited about our plans to reopen Three Mile Island Camp for the 2021 summer season! The Three Mile Committee is committed to operating the camp safely and has spent a great deal of time learning how to prevent and to mitigate COVID-19 in our small community. As we receive information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, and from the AMC, we will make specific plans so that all aspects of camp life will remain welcoming and safe.

Based on our current plans, here are answers to some common questions. Due to the changing nature of COVID-19 and regulations surrounding health and safety, some of the information below may change. Please check back regularly as we will update these frequently asked questions (FAQs) on a regular basis.

Coronavirus FAQ    (Updated 23 June 2021)

Will Three Mile Island Camp be open this summer?

Absolutely! Guided by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, the AMC’s experience, and outside medical advice, we have been planning for a modified camp opening since September. We will limit camp occupancy to approximately 2/3 the normal occupancy to reduce risk of exposure to COVID-19. That means fewer campers will be able to attend. We look forward to a full camp in 2022.

Summer weeks will consist of six nights instead of the usual seven, with Saturday arrival and Friday morning departure. This will allow the Croo and staff the extra time necessary to thoroughly clean cabins, outhouses, the kitchen and other spaces.

What are the New Hampshire travel restrictions?

As of March 2021, travelers/visitors to New Hampshire from the United States no longer need to quarantine upon returning to or entering New Hampshire. Please check the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services for updates: NH COVID-19 Travel Restrictions.

What about the COVID-19 vaccine?

We strongly encourage anyone coming to Three Mile Island Camp be vaccinated against COVID-19 before arrival. While the vaccine has become widely available, it is not yet available to everyone, and the entire camp population will not be immunized by summer 2021. Conscientious planning requires us to incorporate precautions as described on this page.

Should I get tested for COVID-19 prior to coming?

Testing will not be required for campers.

What can I do to reduce the risk of exposure to myself, other campers and Croo/staff?

Campers should not come to Three Mile if they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, recent loss of smell), have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are quarantined for potential exposure to COVID-19.

Those who are at higher risk of getting sick from COVID-19, or who may expose family members who are at higher risk, may want to consider not coming. See CDC Guidelines for high risk.

We are asking all campers to bring their own masks, although we will have extra masks available. Masks must be worn on the launch and while in the buffet line during meals. Masks are welcome but not required indoors. Campers are not required to wear masks outdoors.

We recommend all campers, Croo and staff maintain a minimum of six feet from one another, whether indoors or outside, with the exception of members of their cohort.

Additional station dispensers with alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be available at the Main House, the Change House and the Rec Hall.

 Will launch schedules be different this summer?

To maintain personal distancing, we will reduce the number of campers arriving and departing at the same time. Campers will arrive on Saturday and leave on Friday. We plan to maintain the same Saturday launch schedule, although launches during the week will be reduced, scheduled once per day based on camp needs. To let us know when you plan to arrive, you can complete this launch sign-up form.

Campers will return to the mainland on Friday morning starting at 8:45am. We will continue transporting campers until everyone is off the Island. Lunch will not be served for those departing the island.

From Friday at noon until Saturday at 9:30am the camp will be empty with the exception of Croo and staff who deep-clean the camp, and campers who are staying over until the next week.

Campers who are registered for two contiguous weeks will not have to leave the island between weeks.

What will meals be like?

Meals will be served at the usual times of 8:00am, 1:00pm and 6:00pm, served cafeteria style rather than family style. Smaller dining tables will be used and arranged to maintain six feet between parties.  Each week tables will be configured to accommodate campers who want to sit together within their own identified cohort. Cohorts will not be limited in size but campers should let the managers know who to include in their dining cohort. Campers will be assigned seating for the duration of the week.

The Breezeway (the area between the dining sides of the porches) will be closed to campers 30 minutes prior to meals, to avoid crowding and to allow for setting up for meals.

Will the Main Room, Card Room and Retreat be open?

Current guidance will allow all these indoor spaces to be open this summer. We recommend maintaining six feet separation with campers not in one’s cohort, when possible.

Camper mailboxes will be available for use. Games and puzzles will be available and we recommend using hand sanitizer before and after each use.

Sinks outside the Card Room, in the Breezeway, will be for hand washing only (not available 30 minutes prior to meals) and not open for other hygiene such as tooth brushing.

 Will the Main Dock, Rec Hall, Change House, tennis court and Waterfront be open?

There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread among people via the water or at a waterfront area like the one at Three Mile. However, campers should follow proper physical distancing and good hygiene practices.

We recommend campers maintain distance of six feet on the Main Dock and in the Rec Hall.

The Change House will be open and we will request that campers leave nothing in Change House dressing areas and place all clothing and personal items in their cubby.

The tennis court will be open for play.

Will camp group activities be different?

Group activities, including Sunday Sing, campers versus Croo volleyball and Friday night Square Dance, have been Three Mile traditions for many years. However, in order to reduce risk of COVID-19 exposure they will not be held in 2021.

Saturday night Town Meeting will be held to provide important updates and information, and to introduce the Croo and staff.

Campers from different cohorts will be asked to remain a safe physical distance of six feet from others outside those groups. When that is not possible, face masks are recommended.

Will the outhouses be clean?

We are planning to enhance daily cleaning procedures to assure the outhouses are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Hand washing stations will continue to be maintained at each outhouse near the Main House and hand sanitizer will be kept stocked at all others. Additional hand washing stations have been added outside the Main House.

Is there anything else I should bring with me?

To reduce exposure to COVID-19, sheets, towels and blankets will NOT be provided during 2021, so campers should bring their own bedding (sheets and blankets, or sleeping bag) and towels. Pillows will be provided, however.

Campers should bring masks for use on the launch and in line for meals.

Water fountains should be used only to fill water bottles, so campers should be sure to bring water bottles for personal use.

Cups will not be provided at cabins this summer so campers should bring cups if they wish to have them at their cabins.

Also be sure to bring flashlights, headlamps or other lights for walking at night and for use at cabins.

If I have signs and symptoms of COVID-19 while on Three Mile what should I do?

The Three Mile Island Health Officer will be available to answer questions and, upon request, will offer an initial assessment that will include a temperature, patient history, assessment of related signs and symptoms (shortness of breath, cough, loss of sense of smell or taste, etc.) and an inquiry regarding potential known exposure to COVID-19-positive patients within the last 14 days.

Any camp member with active signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be required to temporarily isolate and move to designated accommodations in order to limit their exposure to other campers, Croo and staff. 

Any camp member with active signs or symptoms will be transported as soon as possible to the mainland for a PCR COVID-19 test. If the PCR test is positive the camper will not be able to return to the island. To support of the health of the TMI community the camp member should report the results the COVID-19 test to the TMI Health Officer.

What precautions and training are Croo and staff taking to reduce risk?

As in previous seasons, the Croo and the staff arrived a week before the first camper week (Croo week). New protocols included health screening and testing. During Croo week there has been additional training on new routines, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), physical distancing, increased hand washing, and cleaning and sanitation.

What happens if I have to cancel before or during camp due to COVID-19?

If a camper cancels due to COVID-19 prior to arriving on the island, they will receive a full reimbursement of their deposit. If they get sick during camp and have to leave camp, they will be financially responsible only for days spent on the island.

Have more questions? Email